Your company
Tebodin EC is a
Hungarian company of engineers and
know-how in
wide range
technological fields. Established in 1990 and is now
employing a staff of more than 60 highly qualified people,
offering engineering and consultancy services tailored to
meet the clients requirements in Hungary & internationally.
The last years Tebodin EC developed into one of the largest
private engineering offices for industrial, commercial
telecommunication projects in Hungary.
As the Hungarian
partner of Tebodin Consultants & Engineers, one of the
leading engineering consultancy companies from the
Netherlands, Tebodin EC has access to an international
network built up over 5 decades.
As part of an international
network with more than 2000 employees in 20 countries,
we can provide global clients with global solutions tailored
to the local requirements. Tebodin EC provides excellent
services and opportunities for a variety of foreign investors.
It covers various ranges of disciplines and guarantees an
optimal approach satisfying highest
Western standards.
Apart from Hungarian, our employees are fully familiar with
Western European,
American & International Standards.
a specific asset they participate in Europe wide exchange of
Category A-typical
annual turnover:
number of employees:
Blast Furnace
Tebodin EC Mérnökszolgálati Kft.
Tebodin EC Engineering Ltd.
H-1119 Budapest, Bikszádi u. 6/a
tel. +36 1 205-9601
fax: +36 1 205-9622
Contact: Zoltan HORVATH