Inspirations in Engineering 2013 - page 131

Nemetschek Structural User Contest 2013 - Category 2: Civil Structures
Category 2: Civil Structures
Short description │
New Passage / Arcade at Tilburg Railway Station
Studies show that in the coming decennia Tilburg Central Station will have to deal with a growing
number of passengers and trains. In order to handle this increasing mobility, the complete station,
except from the monumental covering of the station with hyperbolic shells, will be subject to a facelift.
With this facelift, Tilburg will get a central station with a front and back entrance, as well as an easily
accessible platform due to wide stairways, elevators and escalators. A major part in this project is the
construction of a new 40 m-wide passage/arcade. The lack of space, the presence of many cables
and pipes, the pollution of soil and ground water and, not least, the client’s requirement that the
disruption of the train traffic should be kept to an absolute minimum made this a very complex project.
Oranjewoud conducted a study of possible structural concept and building methods which led to a
preliminary design. After the definitive design Oranjewoud also completed the specifications for this
project in December 2012. The open tender started in January 2013.
Vincent Dols
Beneluxweg 7
4904 SJ Oosterhout NB, The Netherlands
+31 162 487000
Oranjewoud: A world of opportunity!
Comfortable living, work, travel and recreation are only possible with a proper understanding of space.
We operate in the Netherlands and on an international scale too. Oranjewoud was a major force in land
management under Frisian management some 60 years ago. Our organisation has developed into an
all-round partner and is much more than just an engineering consultancy.
Oranjewoud aims to be a leading partner in the development and application of sustainable and
integral solutions relating to all aspects of our living environment, such as home, work, recreation,
mobility and the environment.
Core values
Enterprising, People-oriented, Development, and Character.
Ingenieursbureau Oranjewoud BV
Project information
architectenbureau cepezed b.v.
Engineering Office
Ingenieursbureau Oranjewoud BV
Tilburg, The Netherlands
Construction Period
05/2013 to 09/2015
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