SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

123 ARCHITECT Bilfinger Engineering & Technologies GmbH OWNER Energotrans a.s. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Metrostav a.s. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 06/2017 - 12/2020 3 ALLCONS Industry s.r.o. is an engineering company engaged in the field of structural design of steel and concrete structures. The main sphere of its activities is the preparation of design and structural documentation for civil buildings, technological structures for power generating, chemical and steel industries. The activities of the company include all works from studies up to the production of workshop documentation, including simulations of structural behaviour, manufacturing of steel structures, manufacture and designer supervision. ENGINEERING COMPANY ALLCONS Industry s.r.o. Vojtěch Vondrovic U Bulhara 3, 11000 Prague (CZ) INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS & PLANTS