SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

138 NEW HOT BLAST STOVE Tř inec , Czech Republ i c ENGINEERING COMPANY Ing. Stanislav Rec Stanislav Rec Šípková 312/3, 72527 Ostrava (CZ) ARCHITECT BKB Metal a.s. OWNER Třinecké železárny, a.s. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Kalugin EU s.r.o. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 06/2016 - 09/2017 The hot blast stove No. 64 is one of the metallurgical vessels formed by a thin- walled, rotationally symmetrical sheet metal shell that is lined with a refractory lining from the inside. The sheet thickness is 20 to 30 mm. The internal diameter of the heater varies from 7.850 mm at the bottom to 8.990 mm at the centre. In the upper part, the inner diameter is 4.960 mm and the shell is closed at the level of about 48.0 m with a ball cap. The heater casing contains openings in the points of connection of the process pipelines and at access points. Beams and struts of service platforms and pipes are attached to the shell. At the points of their connection, the casing plates are reinforced with welded reinforcing plates. The specific shape, special parts of the shell, a lot of beam connections, connected large-diameter pipes and specific loading represented a big challenge namely in terms of the size of the model. The calculation of each model type took many hours, and therefore, the work was very tedious and difficult. It was also necessary to verify the tilt stability during the assembly phase. We used SCIA Engineer’s 2D shell elements to create the shape of structure, connection points for platforms and reinforcing in the points of pipe connections. The linear analysis was performed to determine the stresses. The critical load factor was determined as a part of stability check of the shell. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS & PLANTS 3