SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

168 As a part of the renovation project of the Agora Evry Arena, Baudin Châteauneuf built the steel structure of the new building that is added to the existing one. The existing structure, built by our company in 1975, is very special. Indeed, the roof featuring double curvature is supported by a network of crossed metal cables. These cables are anchored in a concrete peripheral ring, which is supported by a series of truss columns. The room forms an ellipse of 60 m by 56 m. The heights are 16 m in the center of the cable network and 24 m for the highest point at the side. Several steel structures for a total weight of 450 t are planned for the project. The 3 main ones are a walking space around the existing structure, a structure supporting the new stands for the public and a structure for the technical area above the stage. A global model including the existing building and the walking space structure was created. For the other independent structures, specific models were created. The linear analysis, stability analysis and non-linear analysis modules, taking into account prestressed cables, were used in this project. ARCHITECT DVA-DVVD OWNER Communauté d’Agglo du Grand Paris Sud GENERAL CONTRACTOR Baudin Châteauneuf CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 02/2019 - 09/2020 ENGINEERING COMPANY Baudin Châteauneuf François Braida 60 rue de la brosse, 45110 Châteauneuf sur Loire (FR) AGORA EVRY ARENA Evry , France SPECIAL PROJECTS 4