SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

173 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SCAFFOLDING Flamanv i lle , France ENGINEERING COMPANY Comi Service Remi MARTIN 190 rue claude nicolas ledoux, 13290 Aix en Provence (FR) ARCHITECT Comi Service OWNER ONET Technologie GENERAL CONTRACTOR EDF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 01/2019 - 07/2019 For a decennial maintenance of the second reactor in the Flamanville nuclear power plant, a large scaffold was necessary to provide access to the first containment’s extrados in order to apply a sealing resin. The aluminium scaffold that forms a 2 m wide circular corridor is located between the two containment’s walls. It is 38 m high and 150 m long measured along the perimeter of the circle. Its weight is 77 t. One of the specific challenges in this project was the location of the scaffold. The ground, a metallic industrial floor used for inspections only, is not capable of bearing the weight of the scaffold. Therefore, we had to erect the scaffold structure on metallic brackets built specifically for this project that were fixed to the external wall 12 m and 15 m above the floor. The second big challenge was to take in consideration the seismic risk according to the RCC-G to ensure the safety of the complex. We used two models, a static model of the whole scaffold (18251 nodes, 8861 beams, 12 cross-sections, 22 materials), and a seismic model of a representative part of the scaffold (2679 nodes, 1441 beams, 10 load cases). SCIA Engineer allowed us to define scaffold-specific non-linear hinges, apply a specific seismic spectrum of the reactor containment, perform a static non-linear calculation and a spectral analysis in order to obtain the load in each support. Finally, the Eurocode aluminium check and scaffolding code check validated the viability of the design. SPECIAL PROJECTS 4