SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

174 SPIRAL STAIRS Heidelberg , Germany ENGINEERING COMPANY Dipl.-Ing. S.Ryklin STATIK Sergej Ryklin Liselotestrasse 17, 69123 Heidelberg (DE) ARCHITECT SSV Architects Heidelberg OWNER AdViva Company Heidelberg GENERAL CONTRACTOR Klevenz Company Waghäusel CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 10/2017 - 06/2018 This structure is planned to be a dominant feature of the entrance to the AdViva Building - two winged spiral stairways with 1.45 m high “side-cheeks” in free form. The “side-cheeks” have to cover completely the stairs for a constant optics. The landings are shifted and have different geometry due to different heights between the floors. With the 1.25 m stairs width and about 4.0 m wing-span they should be fixed to the 35 cm thick solid floors only on 4 front points. The first challenge was to create the required shape of the “side-cheeks” with appropriate optics. The second challenge was to adjust the shape to the given support structure. The biggest problem was, however, the precision of the execution, because no floor covering except a thin lamination was planned. The stairways have to be placed with 1-2 mm tolerance on-site. This required very careful planning and design. SCIA Engineer provides the opportunity to create the desired shape in 3D, confirm it with the client, adjust the stairway structure precisely to the surroundings, make calculations and design due to appropriate code, prepare clear and flexible report with overviews, elevations and required detail pictures, transfer the structure to another program (Easy, Bocad) to process there surveying, create production drawings or execute. It provides a quality processing of the whole project and guarantees successful execution of the structure in high quality. SPECIAL PROJECTS 4