SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

182 ARCHITECT GFI OWNER J&T REAL ESTATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Construction Management (CM) CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2019 -2021 The Eurovea project represents not only a building but a whole city quarter with shopping, housing, offices and other facilities and places for living. Several floors of the shopping mall connected to the previous stage form a backbone of the project. The significant part of the mall is a huge longitudinal skylight 165 m long and 11 to 20 m wide designed as a free-form structure with an adjacent green roof. The static system of the complex shape of the glazed roof was solved using a triangular steel mesh mainly with arch structural effects. Critical moments during the design were to determinate fixed supports for the structure and to deal with multiple expansion joints in the basement. A very interesting part of the design was handling the demand that the roof should be assembled without any permanent scaffolding. Fluid computer analysis and wind-tunnel testing were used for aerodynamic studies of the construction area. As the BIM methodology was applied to the design process, exports from the design of the steel structure were incorporated into the general model. A global analysis and calculation of assembly stages including light mobile supports were performed in SCIA Engineer. The geometrically non-linear analysis with imperfections specified in advance gave satisfying and required results. ENGINEERING COMPANY OKF s.r.o. Petr Klimeš Špitálka 8, 60200 Brno (CZ) Eurovea I I Brat i s lava , S lovak ia SPECIAL PROJECTS 4