SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

89 CIVIL STRUCTURES 2 ARCHITECT Arcadis OWNER MDK en afdeling Kust GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jan De Nul CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 2018 -2022 FLOOD BARRIER Nieuwpoor t , Belgium ENGINEERING COMPANY ARCADIS Belgium Pieter Franken Post X, Borsbeeksebrug 22, 2600 Antwerpen (BE) The new flood barrier in Nieuwpoort is part of the ‘Kustveiligheid’ (Coastal Safety) Masterplan of the Flemish government that protects the Belgian coast against erosion and floods on a long term. The barrier protects especially the harbour of Nieuwpoort against floods. In order to meet all the demands and different boundary conditions, a flood barrier with a vertical rotating segment slider has been chosen. The barrier consists of one slider which has a clearance width of 35 m. It is designed to retain water levels up to 8.64 mTAW in closed condition, with a maximum water level difference of 7.14 m. To meet these conditions, the slider has the span of almost 40 m and the height of 14 m. One of the challenges in the design of a slider with such dimensions is the need to reduce the weight as much as possible while keeping the deformations within limits and ensure sufficient resistance against the different loading conditions. A fully detailed 3D-model of the steel slider was therefore made in SCIA Engineer . This model consists of 1,400 steel 2D-elements with the stiffeners modelled as 1D-elements. With such a detailed model a deep insight into the distribution of forces has been gained, which allowed us to optimise the weight of the structure.