32 SCIA User Contest 2007 • Category 1 • CAD Architecture CAD Architecture 1 Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main (University of Applied Sciences) Address Nibelungenplatz 1 • 60318 Frankfurt am Main (DE) Telephone +49 69 1533 2335 Fax +49 69 1533 2374 Contact Professor Dr.-Ing. Kurt Kliesch; Professor Dr.-Ing. Roland Gerster; Mr Michael Sklorz (Student of Structural Engineering) Email [email protected] Website www.fh-frankfurt.de Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main is one of the five Universities of Applied Sciences of the Bundesland (Federal State) Hessen in the centre of Germany. It was founded in 1971 as a merger of five vocational schools. About 9000 students within 20 degree courses are studying on the campus. The emphasis lies on practice orientated teaching, research and development work. The staff consists of about 650 lecturers (professors) and 220 administrative employees. Department 1 is one of four departments and includes the following key aspects of activity: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Structural engineering and Geomatik. About 1600 students are actually studying on study courses of Department 1. Professor Dr.-Ing. Kliesch is the Head of the Geotechnical Group, which is a part of the Structural Engineering courses. Professor Dr.-Ing. Gerster is head of the Structural Engineering Course and expert of construction management. Mr. Sklorz studies Structural Engineering and is experienced in using CAD software. The key aspects of the presented work are foundation engineering and the construction of building pits. One of the present focuses is set on the analysis of procedures during the construction of building pits. Using Allplan Architecture and Cinema 4D software tools, a library of typical procedures/situations on site has been developed. Used software • Allplan Architecture, Cinema4D Digitalisierung von Arbeitsschritten im Spezialtiefbau