Nemetschek Engineering User Contest 2009 • Category 7: CAD Engineering, Engineering work and special structures 269 7 Railway Underpass Klinker Hoogezand-Sappemeer Designing with Allplan Engineering Yet in the first tender stadium the designers of TCE used the force of the Allplan software. To make a valid proposition the initiator required a visualisation of the underpass. In a short time the underpass has been designed for a visualisation. Not only the rendered product turned out to be very valuable, even the simplified model has been clarified a lot of difficult details. So some risks are reduced in an early stadium. Like in previous projects has been expired, 3D designing creates a lot of benefits in several stages and for various users: from initiative to build phase, for politicians and bar benders. 3D designing decreases the distance between design and construction. An important benefit of a Design&Construct contract is the one to one relationship with the contractor. Arrangements for form and reinforcement solutions were made before starting the detail phase, like the segmentation of curves, bar lengths and forms. First of all difficult corners were made obvious and after that submitted to the contractor. Together we created a sober and effective solution. The drawings for the concrete formwork are provided with an isometric view, which results in a drawing that is more ‘alive’. No contractor wants irritating surprises at any moment, but certainly not in an out of service period. Before this period the contractor has to make a very accurate planning and he has to correspond this with the initiator. Unfortunately, design failures cause a lot of stagnation and irritation on the building scene. To reduce the risk of derailment the tolerances for gluing the rails into the concrete are very small. Reasons enough to design with care and choose for 3D engineering software. The 3D model was also sent to the shifting-contractor Freyssinet. To calculate the amount of concrete and thus the weight of the construction is just one press on the button. TCE has used the Allplan software to design the reinforcement. Complex forms were made clear to anybody with a 3D visualisation and amounts can be easily showed and put in lists. For this project we did not use a direct controllable connecting with the bending machine, because it was not recorded in the contract. Anyway, the bending schedule on the drawing did create a lot of benefits. It was used as a control document, it is easier to compare different proposals (filter at diameter, bending shape, etc…) and the waiting time at the bending factories reduces, because the bending schedule is already present. There are less negative experiences with 3D designing. Habituation is the most important one; the step from 2D to 3D thinking can be experienced as difficult, but it is even a very exciting step. Another disadvantage is the time that takes to complete the first drawing, which often is a very important milestone. But, as soon as the 3D model has been finished, drawings can be extracted easily and very fast. An enormous benefit is that the cross sections and the views match and that they are intelligent among themselves. In short, for this project Allplan Engineering again proved his benefits. With almost the same effort as with 2D designing we create clear, intelligent and faultless communication documents. These visualizations, drawings, list of amounts and bending schedules have also lead to the success of the whole project.