Blackheath Road, Phase 2
Rodgers Leask Ltd
43 Friends Road
Croydon CR0 1ED
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 2086048721
Fax: +44 2086048722
David Wadsworth
Email: david.wadsworth@rodger-
Rodgers leask Ltd
was established nearly 20
years ago by John Rodgers and Andy Leask
and now stands at 46 technical and administra-
tive staff.
Annual turnover is £1.6 million.
and John are still very much at the helm and
are overseeing a period of steady growth of
the practice with the assistance of three new
directors. The practice offers services over the
whole range of civil, environmental, and struc-
tural engineering commissions ranging from
modest one off domestic projects to multi
lion pound major redevelopments and struc-
The practice has three offices. The head office
in Derby houses the administrative, and HR
departments along
with teams of structural,
highway, drainage and environmental/geot-
echnical engineers. Projects in the South of the
country are handled from the London office,
which has a team of mainly structural and civil
engineers. Specialist expertise is drawn from
the Derby teams when it is required. The com-
pany also has an office in Birmingham to look
after local interests there. The main board direc-
work in Derby and a regional
looks after the London office. The practise
employs nine Chartered Engineers including
three fellows of the engineering institutions.
Current projects include high rise blocks of
apartments, up to 10 stories
with 2 storey
underground car parks, prestigious residential
developments in London,
A town centre rede-
velopment, trade parks, housing estates, leisure
premises, a university buildings, a theatre,
remediation of brownfield sites, roads and
All offices are fully equipped with up to date IT
equipment and software. For the larger proj-
ects full 3D modelling is used for both draugh-
ting and design ensuring economy of design
and reliability of working documentation. The
Derby office is ISO 9001 registered. All draw-
ings are now prepared in digital form using
Autocad 2004 and along with all other project
specific documentation, archived in digital
David Wadsworth is a Chartered Engineer and
runs the London office for Rodgers Leask Ltd.
He first introduced ESA-Prima Win to the prac-
tice and has encouraged its use both in his
own office and in Derby.
The project involves the construction of a
new building on the site of existing industri-
al units and Victorian buildings. It will be of
mixed residential and office use. The area of
building fronting onto Blackheath Road will
be just under 4000m² of offices. The rear
part and the wings include 84 residential 1
and 2 bedroom apartments. The scheme is
an extension to the successful Deals Gate-
way development adjacent to the site,
which is already substantially occupied with
just the last phase under construction.
Phase 1 of the development is to start on
site early 2005 with phase 2 commencing in
The scheme comprises the construction of a
10 storey building, sitting on a 2 storey
basement car park. The superstructure is to
be on 3 sides of a ground level podium. The
basement is to link with a similar building
currently under construction on the adja-
cent Deals Gateway Site. The site is a rea-
sonably level urban brownfield site and
overlies a
major chalk aquifer some 10m
below ground level.
The basement will be smaller than the foot-
print of the building to allow open cut tech-
niques to be used in its construction. The
basement slab itself will act as a raft founda-
tion supported in dense sands and gravels
overlying chalk. The building around the
basement will be on piles deriving both end
resistance and skin friction in the same stra-
The basement will be reinforced concrete,
tanked to category 2 water and vapour pro-
tection. Reinforced concrete cores and
will strike off the basement slab
and rise up through the superstructure. The
entire superstructure will be designed as a
braced structure with stability forces being
transmitted to the cores and shear walls via
flat slabs at each level. Slabs in the commer-
cial areas will be 275mm and in the residen-
tial areas 225mm thick. Column positions
are optimised to fall
within the party walls of
the apartments and between car parking
bays within the basement. There is a trans-
fer beam at 1st floor level
where column
positions cannot run through.
The entire structure has been
using ESA-Prima
Win 3D
modelling soft-
ware. Loads include various permanently
allowances for internal partitions; patch
loads for bathroom pods; line loads from
walling; plant loads on the roof;
imposed floor loads; snow and wind loads.
Floor slabs have been designed without col-
umn heads or drops, and punching shear
checked by ESA-Prima Win.
A 1m mesh has
been adopted for the FEM analysis with a
finer mesh at critical areas of stress concen-
Sensitivity checks
were run on the raft
design to check for the effect on contact
stresses and forces of a range of soil sub-
grade spring values.
Rodgers Leask has used ESA-Prima Win on
several similar projects but Phase 2 of Black-
heath Road project is the largest structure
analysed and designed from one
Modelling FE software
was chosen for its
ability to
analyse irregular
shaped slabs on a non-regular pattern of
supports. The need to keep the structure as
slender as
possible to
optimise storey
heights and structural supports has necessi-
tated the careful prediction of the distribu-
tion of stability and lateral loads between
the cores, shear
walls and columns. Accu-
rate prediction of slab edge deflections has
been necessary as part of the lightweight
cladding design and detailing.
Blackheath Road, Phase 2
Rodgers Leask Ltd
SCIA User Contest 2005 / Commercial and industrial building