Scia User Contest 2005 - page 73

North/South Metro connection
in Amsterdam
This project concerns the building of a
new metro connection between the North
and the South of Amsterdam. This project
is partly underground, this metro line is
even going under the CS of Amsterdam.
The drill process starts at Amsterdam CS,
in phases a concrete caisson is built and
sinks deep in the ground. From there the
tunneldrillmachine starts drilling. This
caisson is calculated in ESA-Prima Win.
The use of building phases was very
important for building and sinking the
caissons. The geometry is calculated with
loads and building phases for variable sub
Short Description
1...,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72 74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,...188
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