with a fictive E-modulus). Because the linear cal-
culation resulted in compression in the tension
non-linear calculation
Because of the light and slender character of the
bridge there
was also need to calculate the
eigenvalues / frequencies of the bridge in order
to check if there were risks of vibration under live
load or wind actions.
The calculation of the eigenvalues
was done
with the module of eigenvalues and masses in
ESA-Prima Win.
In the calculation of this project the use of ESA-
Prima Win was very intense and diverse:
• Combination of 1D and 2D-elements in one
• Non-linear calculation
• Stability control
• Calculation of eigenvalues
Description of our experience with
ESA-Prima Win when realizing the project
The challenge in the calculations of the project
was found in the design of a slight and slender
structure for a big span without losing the con-
trol of deformation and vibration of the structure.
For this ESA-Prima Win was the most suited soft-
ware because of the variety of possibilities to
check the structure to the limit, based on linear
calculations, non-linear calculations, EC3 steel
check control, stability control and eigenvalues
calculations in one software program. This could
be done in a very easy to use and clear software
Used modules
• Base
• 3D frame
• 3D shell
• Stability frame
• Physical non-linear conditions
• Dynamics frame
• Steel code check (EC3)