Inspirations in Engineering 2013 - page 209

Nemetschek Structural User Contest 2013 - Category 4: Special Projects
Winner Category 4: Special Projects
Short description │
Roofing Gas Station GAS
The concrete roofing is designed as the intersection of three circle-shell slabs with thicknesses
ranging from 140 mm to 200 mm. Each shell slab is at its centre supported by a cone-shaped column.
In order to drain rain water, the columns are tubular. On the bottom side of the shell-slab is a small
groove for the lighting. The steel reinforcement is made of bars, with diameters of 8 mm and 12 mm.
Waterproof concrete (Class C30/37) was used to provide protection against rainwater. The foundation
is a combination of foot flange and foundation straps. The external column diameter is 550 mm, the
internal 200 mm. The circle shell slab diameters are 10 m and 8 m. The total construction height is 8 m
(5,500 mm above the ground level; the foundation is 2,500 mm high).
VISIA s.r.o.
Ladislav Chatrnúch
Sládkovičova 2052/50
92701 Šaľa, Slovakia
+421 948139090
Sme tím architektov, stavebných inžinierov a statikov z juho-západného Slovenska v meste Šaľa.
Spájame kreatívnu časť projektu s technickými vedomosťami v jednom ateliéri.
Máme veľa skúseností s monolitickým betónom, oceľou a drevenými konštrukciami.
Riešili sme mnoho nízkonákladových stavieb.
Urobili sme niekoľko projektov pasívnych domov.
Navrhujeme 3D modely zo statiky v programe Tekla.
Pre statické výpočty používame programy Scia Engineer - Nemetschek Scia
Náš komunikačný jazyk je slovenčína a angličtina
Project information
GAS s. r. o., Bratislava
MgA. Adam Jirkal & MgA. Jerry Koza
General Contractor
C-PARTNERS, s.r.o.
Engineering Office
VISIA s.r.o.
Matúškovo, Slovak Republic
Construction Period
03/2011 to 08/2011
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