SCIA User Contest 2020 Flipping Book

144 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL FACTORY BOSCH BETON Barneveld , Nether lands ENGINEERING COMPANY Snetselaar Constructieve Ingenieurs Michel Garssen Galileilaan 36, 6716BP EDE (NL) ARCHITECT BIMmodelleur OWNER Bosch Beton GENERAL CONTRACTOR Van Mourik Bouw CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 01/2015 - 05/2019 The project included a building with dimensions of 206 x 160 x 22 m. In the building, there is a concrete mixing installation measuring 13.5 x 9.5 x 14 m and also some storage space for cement, gravel and other stuff. We used SCIA Engineer for the design of the mixing installation. Inside the structure, there are 3 floors. The lowest floor contains the concrete mixer, the second floor contains the weighing device and supply of the materials to the mixer and on the top, there are tanks with water and colouring materials. The main challenge was the stability of the structure. The total building has only 4 columns and no braces. Combined with a larger footprint than the distance between the columns, this part was the most challenging. We managed to design a stiff structure by adding rigid connections between the columns and beams but also between the columns and the concrete floor. By designing the structure in the SCIA Engineer’s 3D environment, we got a very good view of the complex structure and a deep insight into the load distribution. The obtained result is a stiff structure without bracings. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS & PLANTS 3