Nemetschek Structural User Contest 2013 - Category 1: Buildings
Category 1: Buildings
Short description │
Community Service Building Vosseslag
This building is part of the redesign of the ‘Kennedyplein’ and is located in the south of the square. The
strong lines and shapes are designed to attract attention from every direction, like a beacon in the sea.
Every side of the building has to link up with the surrounding infrastructure. The building is designed to
play a significant role in the feeling of safety and social control on this renewed site. The functional use
of the building has to enhance the social revival of the square and its environment.
Plantec nv
Carl Pertz
Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 399
8400 Oostende, Belgium
+32 59 561010
Engineering Office Plantec nv was founded in 1986 and is specialised in the design of infrastructure,
architecture, urban design, topography and structural engineering. The firm currently operates from
Ostend with approximately 28 employees and works throughout West and East Flanders.
Our vision and working method:
Everything around us has a determinant influence on the quality of life. Our creativity has its source in
the comprehension of the environment. With a multifunctional team of designers and engineers, we try
to enhance the quality of life itself.
An ISO9001 Quality Management System is in operation in our office and is externally audited by BQA.
Project information
Gemeente De Haan
Ontwerpbureau Plantec nv
General Contractor
Engineering Office
Ontwerpbureau Plantec nv
De Haan, Belgium
Construction Period
04/2013 to 12/2013