The Art of Structural Design - page 122

Category 3: Industrial Buildings and Plants
Heightening of a Production Building - Ghent, Belgium
Bureau PARTNERS - Architecten & Ingenieurs nv
General Contractor
Engineering Office
Bureau PARTNERS - Architecten & Ingenieurs nv
Construction Period 09/2013 - 02/2014
To expand a production line, additional floors were needed on top of the
existing concrete building. The new steel structure consists of a closed
building and a covered space. The total height of the building was raised
from 14 m to 25 m, and an additional 650 m² production space was created.
The new building was designed to comply with the new equipment,
keeping in mind that the structure should provide enough flexibility for
later adaptations to the production line. To minimalize the impact on the
existing building, the hinged footings of the steel structure were placed
in the centre of the existing concrete columns, thereby transferring only
normal forces.
Because the thin concrete roof under the covered space wasn’t strong
enough to support new equipment, a raised floor was created. This also
provided extra room for the piping and cables without disturbing the safe
circulation and operation of the equipment.
To minimize the total project time, the building of the structure and the
placing of the new equipment were done simultaneously. Due to intensive
pre-study and impeccable cooperation between the designer, the building
contractor and Taminco, all deadlines were achieved, and the end result
surpassed expectation.
Tim Neels
Address Meulesteedsesteenweg 396
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Bureau PARTNERS - Architecten & Ingenieurs sa, founded in 1987, is a
multidisciplinary study team of architects and engineers working in the
public and industrial sector.
Due to this complementarity, Bureau PARTNERS is able to approach
any problem from a wide variety of angles. This process results in a
sophisticated design and in a better balance between quality and cost for
each discipline.
Bureau PARTNERS - Architecten & Ingenieurs nv
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