Scia User Contest 2005 - page 61

Renovation of the water tower of Dendermonde
Feasibility study concerning renovation of the water tower of
Dendermonde (B).
The shaft of this water tower is constructed following the Monnoyer-type. This
means that it is assembled with not-reinforced stacked concrete elements.
They are connected by means of ribs of in situ cast reinforced concrete.
Horizontal annular girders at the height of the intermediate levels are used to
stiffen the structure.
The reservoir is fabricated with in situ cast reinforced concrete of the Intze-
type, i.e. with a bottom plate with a convex form.
A service duct is constructed around the reservoir. It is composed with con-
crete bricks and stiffened with vertical ribs of in situ cast reinforced concrete.
Reinforcement is placed in the joints between the concrete bricks. The roof
dome is a spherical shell of in situ cast reinforced concrete.
Height tower 37,50m
Diameter duct 12,80m
Diameter reservoir 10,80m.
The concrete elements are very thin. Their dimensions
Roof and covering reservoir: thickness 6cm
Walls above: thickness 6 cm
Columns section 0,21m x 0,26m
Walls shaft: thickness 0,10m to 0,14m
Bottom reservoir: thickness 0,13m
Walls reservoir: thickness 0,08m to 0,22m
Using the finite element modules of ESA-Prima Win, we built models and
made linear elastic calculations of the shell, plate and beam-elements for the
reservoir and the shaft with the duct.
Calculation was done with partial safety factors according NBN B03-001. The
wind was calculated according NBN B03-002.
Conclusions were that - even under full load - this “healthy” construction
satisfies all the requirements of the indicated norms.
Short Description
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